ExpoFacil App

The ExpFacil App is a new generation app for business conventions, to auxiliary the companies to aim the target audience through smart devices called Beacons. As sensitive sensors, the app is able to recognize smart devices and know how far is it and give great information about products and service of the users.


A Beacon is a small wireless device trasnmitting a continuous radio signal. The signal is decteded by nearby smart devices via Bluetooth Smart then the signal tells your smart device “I’m Here” by giving its ID number.


The process of developing a mobile application that works natively on two different operating systems, like iOS and Android, can be challenging.

The process of designing might be complex. Standards for user interfaces and design are specific to each operating system and must be followed. This means creating distinct user interfaces, navigation styles, and layouts for every platform while preserving a uniform user experience.

A variety of resolutions and screen sizes. The wide range of sizes and shapes of iOS and Android devices requires responsive and adaptive designs that work and look well on all of them. Because they have to test and optimise the app for a variety of displays, designers and developers have an additional task.

Despite these challenges, by utilising the unique attributes and capabilities of each operating system, developing a native software for both platforms can offer a better user experience.


HTML/CSS Web Design


Graphic Design


Pixeden Company

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